Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mr. Sticky Fingers- You got me good!

So I haven’t blogged in a while, our trip to Guatemala was quite interesting.  We enjoyed getting to know some great people, learned some valuable travel lessons like…don’t ride on a ‘chicken’ bus, van boat or bicycle.  Nothing good comes from it, ever! Don’t listen to Lonely Planet, they will tell you that it’s alright to ride them. 

Oh yea, I also forgot to mention before that on our trip we got a few items stolen.  My glasses (to see with), my camera charger (really guy), a beach towel, my hairbrush and a dirty wash cloth.  Whoever it was that decided it was a good idea to steal my things is doo doo! Ugh! We are working hard to get my glasses and my camera charger taken care of but it has been quite the marathon.  Mr. Sticky Fingers…If you are out thereàThanks a lot, you sure got me good!

Okay, now that that’s out of the way! Aaron and I have been exposed to a totally new Roatan this week.  On Monday night we went to a Rotary Club ‘social’ at a brand new local sports bar.  This bar/ restaurant is crazy cool.  It is a circular structure with 360 degrees of TV’s on the walls. At this social we were surrounded by the wealthiest people on the island; locals, North Americans, Canadians.  It felt so different from the rest of our experience here thus far.  The next day we went to volunteer with a friend in the information booth at the new cruise ship dock.  Wow people, this is like Myrtle Beach dropped off in Roatan within high gates and separated from the rest of the island by almost a mile long driveway.   We walked through this port and saw more familiar stores in a 50 yard shopping center than we have seen in all the miles on the island.  I have been thinking so much about this week and the different side of the island that we have seen.  We have limited our exposure so much to only one group of people.  

It was so important for us to be a part of that life that we lost the concept that the world is not flat its round.  We are all so interconnected and we all depend so much on each other.  Our interaction may be small, our conversation may be nonexistent, our neighborly love may only be something we say and not something we live but we are still connected.  What one part of the cycle does, directly and indefinitely affects the rest of the moving parts of the cycle.  Okay so herein lies the problemo (you like that Spanish)…No matter what you or I deem is the ‘right’ way to support one another, or the ‘moral’ way to do things it is our reality that everything we do affects someone else.  No matter what lifestyle they walk within.  Instead of focusing on where we fit in the world and what group we belong to, we need to remember we are part of one big whole, a whole that moves and breaths as one community. 

And that’s my good word! We miss you family!! 

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