Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So Here Goes!

As a new 'blogger' I have struggled with...When do I start sharing my experience of being a new WORLD TRAVELER! Well why not start now.  I am not so good at technology and sometimes think its semi-sketchy to put things out there online for all to see but I have been asked by so many supportive folks to keep a blog and keep people in the loop of my new sense of spontaneity.  So Here Goes!

Aaron and I are moving to Roatan, Honduras in six days--holy guacamole.  Those of you who know us know that we are not really the spontaneous, risky type.  With that being said I am bursting with emotions.  Excited, scared, anxious, confused, hopeful, faithful, and ridiculously overwhelmed.   I thought when i got married my anxiety was bad but WOAH BABIES! So many people asked me the week of my wedding, "how are you feeling about things?' I always responded with "my head is calm but my body is kind of going crazy!" Well now I am being hit with a double wammy, my head and my body are not quite sure what direction I am going. I want to have total faith in our decision to live and let live.   A life that I give control to the universe and let the breeze blow me wherever.  Its that little word...Control.  It follows me around like a lost puppy!

As I work through all these emotion with people, I love that they tend to convince me every time that what I am doing is RIGHT.  That it will be an experience that I will never forget.  Even if it is not what we think it will be it will be new and exciting.  I sat down and had a few drinks with some great friends tonight and realized how many great people there are in the world that I just haven't come across yet.  I am looking at this experience in a whole new light now.  Its not about me or about Aaron or about risk.  Its about exposing myself to a new world. A whole new world of people that I just haven't come across yet. People that will touch my heart in a way that I cannot yet understand. I grew up in High Point, NC in a place that I met a lot of great people who helped me grow into the person I am today.  I went off to college and was exposed to a bunch of new people and learned how their lives are so much different from my own. People that helped me understand what life was like with out my family in the living room downstairs. I then moved to Raleigh and got my first 'big girl' job and found a lot of people that gave me a new perspective on what life could be.  And now I am off to live in a foreign country. I have faith that the people there will show me things about myself  that I would have never discovered had i not had this experience and let them touch my heart!

So I am sitting here thankful to all of those who have touched my heart and given me the strength to go on this adventure, and excited to meet all of those that I will meet on my newest life adventure.

And the countdown continues...6 days and counting!


1 comment:

  1. I am excited to keep up with your journey through your blog! And I am beyond thrilled for you and Aaron, the experience of a lifetime could be ahead of you!
