Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Last Day...

So today was my last day as a YMCA admin assistant! Who would of thought it would be such a hard day.  I said goodbye...well 'see ya later' to a lot of extraoridinary people.

I was given a few blog tips from a good man this morning at the Flying Biscuit. 
1. Kepp it short and sweet
2. Don't post to many pictures
3. I dont remember b/c i was real sad!

Heres the deal...I am going to miss my good ol' friends at the Finley Y! I mean they gave me a parade today.  Who could ask for more than a dance party where in the popular Justin Beiber hit "baby" that the main chorus word BABY is replaced with Martha.  Oh yea...Did i mention that there was rolling chair waiting for me with balloons all over it.  I sat in that rolly chair and was rolled down the hallway with my dear friends following shouting, "Martha Parade!!!! Martha Parade!!!!".  Who could ask for a better last day.  I left today with tears in my eyes thinking, "Man, I will miss these people!"

So in hopes to follow the rules of the blog, I will keep it short and sweet and say...THANK YOU! TO ALL MY FAVORITES AT THE FINLEY Y!  I will miss you all dearly!  


  1. Trying to teach my mom how to post a comment on my blog! She's awesome, my favorite is when she calls and sais "I'm trying to blog you but it wont work!"

  2. I am so excited for you. Have a wonderful time. Be safe and have a blast!
